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A New WM in our Ranks

    This past Tuesday saw one of the Quarrymen Members installed as Worshipful Master of his lodge. WBro, Tristan had one of the biggest turnouts I have ever seen and the lodge was busting at the seams. As Tristan heralds from the Phillpines he was given… Read More »A New WM in our Ranks

    Honour & Friendship

      1266 and the Widows Sons, Tuesday 5th September 2022.The Lodge of Honour and Friendship No. 1266 invited the Widows Sons “Quarrymen” of Dorsetalong to their meeting in supoort of their farmers night. The brethren of 1266 supplied locallysourced produce, for a riveting auction later at… Read More »Honour & Friendship

      Chicks Ladies Night

        Last weekend saw Paul “Chick” Fowler, the current ruling master of Bleckly Clark Lodge, host his ladies night. It was a fantastic night and a few of us managed to get along to support hime and his chosen charity. Visiting each others events and lodges… Read More »Chicks Ladies Night

        AGM 2022

          last night saw a great turnout to our very first AGM with over 26 bodies in attandance. Certificates were handed out, our founding president (RIP) was honoured, prizes were won in the raffle and food was consumed.  All in all a very good evening with… Read More »AGM 2022

          VP BBQ

            This Saturday saw the first ever VP BBQ which was attended by both WS QM members, friends and wives. It was a hot 35 degrees when it kicked off but the temperatures eventually droppped to just very very hot. Many thanks to our VP Paul… Read More »VP BBQ

            The charter is live