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Who are the Quarrymen?

In 2018 the Widows Sons was granted a charter for Wiltshire and this expanded into Dorset. With the growing number of members in the Dorset area, the Dorset Chapter was formed and given its charter at the national rally in 2022.

The daughter charter of Wiltshire, we still maintain a strong relationship with our origins and both groups frequently meet and many members are part of both charters.

Our membership are primarily made up of Masons, but not exclusively so. We have many partners and non-masons within the group who are known as cornerstones. Some join because a friend is a member, others to find out more about Masonry in general. The one united cause that we all share is raising money for charity, especially within our local area. We support larger charity events, such as the Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride, but also support smaller charities that need all the help they can get. We regularly collect funds at our monthly natter nights and also raise money by attending other events and fundraising. Just like Masonry, charity is at our core but we choose to do it whilst having fun on our motorbikes.

Behind the Scenes

The Widows Sons originated in the United States of America and the first Chapter was based in Illinois. It was, and still is, called the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association. Originally Chartered in 1998 it was formed by Motorcycling Masons to raise charitable funds for widows and orphans of Freemasons. 

In 2004 a Charter was given by the US Widows Sons to form the Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association in the UK.


Our Founding Officers
(left to right)

Treasurer – Dan “Diddy” Martin
Vice President – Paul “Reaper” Bishop
President – Graham “Grum” Taylor (RIP)
Comms Officer – Phil “Mighty Mouse” Smith
Secretary – Tony “Tank” Pereira

Sadly out first president passed away just days before collecting our charter. He remains an integral part of the Quarrymen and will forever be remembered as one of the lights that got us started.

Our Current Officers
President – Paul “Reaper” Bishop
Vice President – Darren “Daz” Beel
Secretary – Tony “Tank” Pereira
Treasurer – Dan “Diddy” Martin
Charity Officer – Phil “Mighty Mouse” Smith
Road Captain – Alan “Albo” Elsbury
Ast. Road Captain – Mark Thompson
Almoner – Paul “Bones” Fowler
Comms Officer – Phil “Mighty Mouse” Smith

We are a charitable organisation that loves to ride.


The DocBike charity combines a highly qualified (consultant level) doctor or critical care paramedic with two wheels to reduce deaths and serious injuries on our roads due to motorcycle collisions. Wherever possible, this doctor or paramedic also works on the local air ambulance. It is part of their every-day job, to treat and save the most severely injured and sick patients and help them to reach hospital alive.

Find out more on the DocBike Website: 

Why We Exist – DocBike

How we ride

As a group we are Freemasons. As motorcycle enthusiasts we are a lot of different personalities. Some ride to cruise, some ride for speed, some ride to just feel the wind in their face.

Whilst bikers are often considered to be reckless hooligans we are different. We are, first and foremost, master masons. We represent one of the largest charitable organisations in the United Kingdom. As such, we ride as one and without creating bedlam where we go. When we ride together we are representing Freemasonry in Dorset and how we ride needs to represent this.

Freemasonry and biker groups suffer from a lot of prejudice from those that only know the hearsay. As a group we are there to, not just raise money for charity, but also to educate other about the craft and bikers in general.

Members Rides

richareds-harley Phil's Bonneville alans-beemer Keiths-HD Grahams-Steed Trevors-Tiger Phil's, Touring Machine Darrens Triumph Sprint Jons 883 DarrensRoyal Enfield Dave's Thruxton R Ian Robins Bikes Tony's Ninja Tristan's Honda CB650R Ozzy's Harley Andrews Bike Bishops Rat Diddy's Bike Brian's Honda Paul's Rocket

Register an Interest

More Details

The Widows Sons have chapters throughout the United Kingdom, and each Widows Sons chapter is encouraged to sponsor or participate in local charity runs or events. In all cases, we strive to present a positive image of Freemasonry and our Association to the public.

The Widows Sons have active chapters throughout the United Kingdom, many States in the USA, Canada and throughout Europe.

If you are interested in the Widows Sons Dorset and Freemason in good standing, or have an interest in Freemasonry or Motorcycling then we would be happy to hear from you.

The goal of the association is to:

Introduce the pleasures of motorcycling to our Masonic Brothers

Raise Masonic Awareness in the world of motorcycling

Support our regular Masonic lodges through regular attendance and assisting with or attending lodge events.

While we wear identifying regalia, or patches, the Widows Sons are not a biker gang, MC or 1% Club, we do not wear “Back Patches” but do wear the Square and Compass, on our breasts, near to our hearts.
We are required to represent the fraternity in a positive light at all times.

Joining the Quarrymen is a straightforward process.

You will need a proposer and seconder but don’t worry if you do not already know a member because you will make friends during the process.

We ask all joining members to attend 2 of our monthly natter nights so they can get to know us and make sure that we are a good fit for what they are looking for. As much as us getting to know them.

As we do ride, we also ask that a joining member attends a ride with us so we can make them aware of the ride protocols and make sure everybody is safe when riding together.

After that the members will all vote unanimously that they are happy for the joining member to become a Quarryman, either as a full Widows Son* (Master Mason) or as one of our cornerstones (non-masonic members). Partners and wives are also welcomed as Cornerstones.

Then that’s it. You will pay your initial Subs, purchase any of the support patches** we wear, and you are a member.

Cornerstones pay a one-time fee and can trade their single patch for their first year’s subs as a full Widows Son if they wish to achieve that position.


*A letter of good standing from your lodge secretary will be requested.

** Patches are on license and if any person wishes to cease being a member, then the patches must be returned.