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Home » Bourne Lodge – Hampshire Province

Bourne Lodge – Hampshire Province

    This is all Phil.

    So, the Quarrymen attended the installation of a new WM in the form of our member Tristan. On that night I met up with a mason, who was present when I became an entered apprentice, that I worked alongside several years ago.

    After losing touch for several years I was invited to his next lodge meeting. A third degree.

    Part of being in the Quarrymen that is so special, is supporting each others lodges and side degrees. This night I was just a mason visiting another masons lodge.

    Imagine my delight when crossing the provincial border to see two other Quarrymen that, unknown to me, were members of this lodge.

    Not only were they members but they were the director of ceremonies and membership officer. It turns out that we are far and wide in our area and a strong group. I was pleased to enjoy an awesome evening with a quality of  ritual that has me nervous for my year in the chair.

    The Quarrymen are all about supporting other lodges and, even when it is not an organised raiding party, we can have fun and represent ourselves amongst like minded individuals and keep the craft strong.

    Keep visiting brothers, even when we are not doing a mass meeting. You might just find a biker brother at the next meeting you attend. You might even meet an old friend and find that the bonds of masonic friendship are everlasting.