I am writing this as I have just returned very late from a Holy Royal Arch Chapter meeting at All Souls in Weymouth.
Four Quarrymen were in attendance with Brian being the VGO and Diddy being a member of this chapter. Paul and I went along as guests and were treated to an All Souls special.
Most of us focus on visiting in craft freemasonry but there is so much more to be had visiting in the other degrees as well. All Souls has a fantastic reputation for craft meetings and I can now, wholeheartedly say, that their chapter meetings are every bit as good and well worth attending.
It was Pauls first time in this building so he was treated to a bit of history by members and shown around some of the show stopping items in this building.
The festive board was just as impressive with great conversation and food.
If you get chance to visit this chapter, I highly recomend it. Why not just get in touch with them and book yourself in? It will be worth it.