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The Lodge of St Cuthberga 622

    Last night six Founding members of The Quarrymen attended The Lodge of St. Cuthberga  622 in Wimborne after an invitation was put out by WBro Dan Martin and Bro Darren Beel.

    Those who have visited The Lodge of St Cuthberga 622 will know what a special meeting they put on every time. So when the opportunity presented itself for us to attend, the six of us jumped at the opportunity.

    We started the evening as normal speaking to the other members of the lodge and preparing for the 2nd degree ceremony which as usual was carried out by WBro Brandon Evans with his officers to the highest possible standards.

    The Lodge of St Cuthberga 622 is very healthy with a number of Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts and also happens to have more potential new initiates in the pipeline.

    This was particularly handy when it came to last night’s meeting as the original candidate unfortunately had to drop out at the last minute due to covid, so Bro Tom stepped up at short notice and did a fantastic job with his questions.

    We were also treated to an exceptional explanation of the extended 2nd degree tracing board by WBro Doug Day which was gratefully received by all.

    Once the Bro Tom was passed to the 2nd degree the meeting then moved on to another special occasion for Bro John Edwards who was presented with his 60 year certificate. This is an amazing achievement and was a total surprise to Bro John as he had forgotten how long he had been in Freemasonry. Bro John who is now 96 is still enjoying his Freemasonry which is really nice to see.

    The Ceremony was then brought to an end by remembering our Fallen Brethren and numerous members of The Lodge of St. Cuthberga read out the names of the brethren who fell during the Great War, before the lodge was then closed and we all had a picture in front of a wreath that was laid on a Union Jack Flag at the start of the meeting. 

    Next came the festive board which yet again did not disappoint. The amount of chatter was fantastic and left us in fine form all evening. It was particularly nice to see some more senior brethren joining in and having a great time. As always at the end of the festive board the firing glasses became the highlight of the evening with good hearty Dorset fire which only added to the mood and enjoyment of the whole evening.

    All in, we all had a fantastic night and really look forward to our next visit to The Lodge of St Cuthberga 622.

    The Quarrymen.