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Honour & Friendship

    1266 and the Widows Sons,

    Tuesday 5th September 2022.
    The Lodge of Honour and Friendship No. 1266 invited the Widows Sons “Quarrymen” of Dorset
    along to their meeting in supoort of their farmers night. The brethren of 1266 supplied locally
    sourced produce, for a riveting auction later at the festive board.
    10 widows sons attended. Accompanied by 3 members of 1266 who are in the process of
    joining the Quarrymen. We were treated to a phenomenal demonstration of the first degree by
    the team of officers of the Lodge. Elegantly and professionally led by the Worshipful Master
    WBro Andrew Ward, where they proceeded to demonstrate a ceremony of initiation using one of
    our Cornerstone members (non Master Masons) Bro. Iain Atkinson who has recently been
    initiated into the Wiltshire Summer Lodge after a short time of being a Cornerstone of the
    Widows Sons. A special mention must go out to the junior members of the Lodge of Honour and
    Friendship who skillfully demonstrated advanced parts of the ceremony. A proud moment for the
    Director of Ceremonies of the Lodge WBro. Rich Jones, himself a Widows Son (Quarrymen)
    who’s expert team of officers also included two of his own Sons.
    The festive board was lively, humorous and warm. Everything you need in preparation for the
    climax of the evening. The greatly anticipated “1266 Farmers Auction” where several melon
    shaped marrows and marrow shaped melons. Along with WBro Handfords Blandford grown
    pineapples ! And a few drops of tipple were auctioned off alongside home made jams and
    marmalades, chutneys and hampers packed with bundles of fruit and veg.
    The auction was delivered with all the appropriate humour the festive board was filled with
    laughter and joy, and as such, a massive £800 was raised around the tables of such a historic
    meeting. We were treated to “a farmers boy” on the accordion which got everyone singing
    Topping off the evening the Worshipful Master announced that according to the wishes of the
    Lodge, half of the money raised at the meeting was to be donated to the primary cause of The
    Quarrymen (Widows Sons) being the Dorset Broken Columns Association. Members of which
    are ladies/masonic widows from all lodges in Dorset meeting across the three branches of
    Broken Columns.
    The Dorset Chapter of the Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association, known as The
    Quarrymen have pledged to raise money for the Broken Columns as their primary charge.
    The Worshipful Master Presented the Quarrymen Treasurer with a cheque for a massive £400
    towards their cause. Where the treasurer happily responded with great thanks on behalf of both
    associations and ensured that the donation would be faithfully applied

    – Diddy