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A Cornerstone Transformed

    last night, Friday march the 31st, saw one of our cornerstones raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. A little while later he was raised again, to a fully patched Widows Son and Quarryman. Rather than posting write ups from others, this one… Read More »A Cornerstone Transformed

    Easter Eggs

      The Quarrymen are pleased to announce that the members have raised enough funds for  84 Easter Eggs to be donated to a local food bank, Second Chance. This was in our first round of fundraising and does not include additional funds and eggs donated at… Read More »Easter Eggs

      WS Branding

        Widows Sons Scotland Branding This weekend I had the honour of joining some of our brothers from our mother chapter; The Stonecutters (Wiltshire) as we made the pilgrimage to Scotland in order to be ‘branded’ a Widow’s Son. All Master Masons are full members of… Read More »WS Branding

        Member Perks

          We have added a few member perks to the main website. Our members section allows direct access to our events diary so you always know when and where we are riding. We also have a back catalogue or The Son magazine for members to enjoy.… Read More »Member Perks

          The Martins

            Throughout life there are special occasions to treasure for family and friends. They are even more welcome when it comes to Freemasonry as it only strengthens the bond between brothers. Last night was one of those special occasions not only for The Martins and the… Read More »The Martins

            2023 WS AGM

              Widows Sons AGM With the new year now getting up and running the Widows Sons held their National AGM up in Derby on the weekend of the 25th of February 2023. The purpose of this meeting was to bring all chapters from all over the… Read More »2023 WS AGM

              New Year & More Members

                As comms officer I find myself in the difficult position of missing a few natter nights this year as i am also serving as Worshipful Master for my lodge and our rehearsal night clashes with our natter nights. None of this is stopping great evening… Read More »New Year & More Members

                Lodge of Meridian 6582

                  No sooner have we been to one lodge than we are out, the very next night, to another. Whilst I am still getting back into my flow with writing these posts I will keep it simple. With 4 founding members consisting of 2 officers, one… Read More »Lodge of Meridian 6582