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A Cornerstone Transformed

    last night, Friday march the 31st, saw one of our cornerstones raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. A little while later he was raised again, to a fully patched Widows Son and Quarryman.

    Rather than posting write ups from others, this one is from me (Phil) as the cornerstone raised was my own candidate, in my own lodge, where I am the current master. Brother Jon Vickers is a man who I have worked with, become friends with, stayed friends with when our career paths took different routes, and now work with again as he works for my own company, many years later.

    As soon as Jon started working with me we both stated riding together on two very different looking Sportsters. This led to him joining the Quarrymen as one of the “first 15” and his first step towards the craft as a Cornerstone. As we work together the recommendation about joining my lodge came very quickly, in part aiding my Jons late father being a Mason of 62 years prior to his passing.

    The Quarrymen attended his initiation, his passing and now his raising. All taking great delight in being able to share in Jons full masonic journey. Already a steward in the lodge, Jons attitude to the craft and his WS chapter is amazing and he has already taken part in some fundraising and is part of the Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride Quarryman team this year.

    Jon receiving his patches by our VP and acting president, Paul Bishop

    During the toasts at the Festive board, our VP, WBro Paul Bishop, presented Jon with his patches as well as giving an excellent update to members of the Ashley Lodge about who the Widows Sons are, items we have been doing for charity and an excellent description of all the Masonic imagery that is contained within our patches.

    A great evening was had by all and much conversation was had afterwards about the good we are doing, with the brethren of The Ashely Lodge.