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Easter Egg Run

    Brethren from Dorset’s quarrymen chapter made a presentation to the MyTime Charity on Wednesday 13th March and Easter eggs to the 62 young carers who were having a well deserved day out at Adventure Pirates in Lytchett Matravers. MyTime is a charity that fights for… Read More »Easter Egg Run

    Santa Run

      On Sunday the 26th of November, several members of the Quarrymen embarked on a very wet ride around the province of Dorset, meeting lodge members and receiving donations to our charitable cause. This event was organised and hosted by our Charity Officer, Tony Collins and… Read More »Santa Run

      The Knole Motorcycle Lodge

        On Wednesday 22ndNovember 2023, members of the Quarrymen WSMBA attended The Knole Motorcycle Lodge in Surbiton ,Surrey to support and witness the Installation of Steve ‘Miagi’ Dixon into the Chair of King Solomon.  Steve is the current VP and President Elect of the WSMBA Surrey… Read More »The Knole Motorcycle Lodge

        Toy Run For Dementia

          The fundraising for the Quarrymen Christmas Toy Run for Dementia patients if going quite well so we thought it was time to say thankyou to those that have supported us so far. The toy run itself takes place on Sunday the 26th of November with… Read More »Toy Run For Dementia

          Thanks to Canarvon Lodge

            A big thankyou to Canarvon Lodge for their donation towards the Christmas Toy Run, presented at PGL today. Their £50 donation takes us up to £685. If any other lodge would like to make a contribution, please contact our Charity Officer, [email protected]

            London Haven

              A great second degree ceremony was held at London Haven lodge on Saturday that was followed by a Trafalgar presentation given by WBro. Chris Moorley. The proceeds of the raffle were given to the Quarrymen, towards their Christmas Toy Run. However, this year they are… Read More »London Haven

              Bucks Motorcycle Lodge 9926

                On Saturday the 21st of October the Quarrymen were invited to meet with the  Buckinghamshire Motorcycle Lodge 9926. They are a travelling lodge, which means they tend to meet in a different location each time. This time around they were meeting in Dorset at the… Read More »Bucks Motorcycle Lodge 9926

                Ride To The Wall 2023

                  About Ride To The Wall – RTTW RTTW is a unique motorcycling event which gives motorcyclists an opportunity to gather together at a place of remembrance, to pay their respects to our serving and fallen service men and women and in doing so, raise funds… Read More »Ride To The Wall 2023