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Last Winter NN

    Tonight saw out last winter natter night before we start touring Dorset, meeting in a different area each month. Due to the early Easter weekend and many of us having our masonic diaries move around a little bit, this was a quieter evening than normal.

    That said, it showed what a great bunch of guys we have and how well we all get on with each other. Many of us had never even met before the Quarrymen and the bonds being formed are evident – replicating exactly what happens when you join a craft lodge.

    Being a more intimate evening meant we were able to discuss our charitable events for the year and how those present would like to see us move forward this year, getting some really good feedback to keep making this a group you can be proud to be part of whilst sticking to our masonic ideals.

    We are looking forward to getting out and about on the bikes and making many more friends this year and cannot wait to make even more friends on the journey.