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For Valour

    On Friday the 11th of November 2022 a couple of members of The Quarrymen attended the For Valour presentation at the Hamworthy Club in Poole. 

    This wonderful evening was hosted by the brethren from Llewellin Lodge 7907 which was a sold out event. One of these brethren was The Quarrymen’s Charity Officers WBro Tony Collins who was part of a team put together by Bro Dave Randall.

    This was a Victoria Cross presentation by W Bro. Mark Simon Smith PAGSwdB APGM Designate (Essex) of the Antiques Roadshow, accompanied by W Bro. Paul Evans, Historian for the SBSA with a presentation on UKSF.

    The chosen charity for this meeting was Services Dogs UK. The Provincial Grand Master of Dorset Graham Glazier announced this at the start of the meeting and gave an incredibly moving story behind the decision to support such an amazing charity and how they help service men and women with support dogs to help them through their tough times. The PGM also advised that all money raised at this event would be matched by the Masonic Charitable Foundation. 

    You can read more about this fantastic charity here: Service Dogs UK

    Next we had a presentation from Veterans In Action. Billy Macleod did a talk about the work of Veterans In Action and was presented with a cheque for £1000 by WBro Phil Conway of Dunckerley Lodge 3878. Billy spoke about the work they do in the workshop and how they raise money doing various challenges and events.

    You can read more about this brilliant charity here: The Team – Veterans in Action

    WBro Paul Evans, Historian for the SBSA was the next to take the microphone. He did a brilliant job at explaining to us all what we were about to hear before then passing over to WBro. Mark Simon Smith PAGSwdB APGM Designate (Essex) of the Antiques Roadshow.

    WBro Mark went on to give an incredible speech about the history of the Victoria Cross. He is incredibly knowledgeable and a true military enthusiast. WBro Mark told some amazing stories of some truly fantastic heroes from all past conflicts where the Victoria Cross was earned. What was even more special was that WBro Mark explained that there were only 3 people that have earned the Victoria Cross twice. One of those heroic men was Captain Noel Chavasse and was the only Victoria Cross and Bar recipient of World War 1. It just so happened that on this particular evening one of Captain Noel Chavasse’s family was in the room with us.

    More on this here: Noel Chavasse | War Hero | Royal British Legion 

    After some more amazing stories from WBro Mark he then showed us a Victoria Cross which was one of the first to be made and issued to a member of the Royal Navy.

    This Particular medal is worth approximately £250,000 and is part of WBro Marks personal collection

    At the end of WBro Mark’s speech we all gave him a round of applause for such a wonderful and educational speech.

    What was even better about this event is that it was not just limited to Dorset Freemasonry; it was opened to all Masons as there was a number of Hampshire Freemasons in attendance as well.

    There was also a two course meal at this meeting.

    It was announced at the beginning of the presentation that there would be a silent raffle which was conducted by those brethren that organised it, who did the draw while WBro Mark was talking and handing the prizes to the winners discreetly. The amount raised was £2186.50 which is a fantastic amount that will as previously stated be matched by the Masonic Charitable Foundation.

    The presentation came to a close and WBro Mark invited all in attendance to take pictures of the Victoria Cross before we left.

    If you ever get the opportunity to get to one of these presentations by WBro Mark and WBro Paul we would definitely recommend it as it was a fantastic evening.

    On behalf of The Quarrymen I would like to thank Bro Dave Randall and his superb team which included WBro Tony Collins and the brethren from Llewellin Lodge 7907 for organising this presentation and also WBro Mark and WBro Paul for taking time out of their busy schedule to come and talk to us.

    The Quarrymen.