Every year the Quarrymen perform a Santa run. Riding in seasonal dress to a charitable location to donate to their cause. This year the charity was selected by Trev, having won the right to nominate the charity at one of our natter nights. The charity to benefit being Green Cottage RDA, who have children with assorted disabilities come to them to ride and learn about horses and ponies. You can find out more about the work they do here https://greencottagerda.org/ with their work being 100% volunteer based, every penny raised goes to keeping the organisation alive.
We do not have a great track record for getting good weather on our charitable ride outs and this one was no different. With Quarrymen that were unable to ride also coming by car to join in the fun for the day, we elected to make this a more social event, stopping for a group breakfast before heading on to the charity. Our numbers were also boosted by the Dorset Nomads MC who wanted to support our endeavour.

We were well received as we arrived, with many supporters turning up on the day to meet us. We were treated to an informative presentation all about the charity and were able to meet Mary the Pony who is an integral part of the team at Green Cottage RDA. We were pleased to present £350 to assist in the financial running of the group which is operated from donations like ours.
Green Cottage RDA are keen to increase the number of rides they have with one Pony recently retiring at 29 years old. This can cost between 5 and 8 thousand pounds. All of this being before the cost of feed and vets bills.
Once all of the formal proceedings were taken care off, the Quarrymen stayed and chatted to many of the volunteers and supporters. All whilst enjoying the hot drinks and home made cakes that were put on for us on the day