Hi Guys. It has been a very sad couple of days. Right now we have brothers on the way to collect the Dorset charter for the Quarrymen. The man that should have collected it was our first presdent, W.Bro. Graham Taylor. Sadly he passed away yesterday in totally unforseen circumstances, doing what he loved with those he loved. I have been planning a charity ride for a little while now and this is now the Graham Taylor Memorial Ride. The gust giving page is here https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/dorsetlodgeride
If anybody can turn up at the lodges for photos, join for the ride in full or in part, then please let me know. The ride combines two of Grahams great loves, motorcycles and freemasonry. Let raise as much as we can and celebrate the life and conenctions that this man made in the craft, on his bike, in his business and with his family.
Follow the just giving page for details about the ride.