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Home » Veterans Hub Rideout

Veterans Hub Rideout

    It has been a busy period for the Quarrymen and the start of this period saw some of our members rideout to visit the Veterans Hub in Portland, to find out more about all the work they do.

    The hub is a community project that was set up as a part time venture in late 2017 with the intent of providing a safe and secure location for veterans and their families to come together in an environment that would enable them to socialise in a non-clinical setting in order to provide peer to peer support for each other.

    Featuring a shop and cafe, the hub provides a really nice space in a calm environment. There are private spaces for people to talk to each other and provide support, a small gym and a garden. They provide a great deal of support to those that need it.

    The Hub also features little quirks, like the food being called the same names as it is given when serving in the military and the “facilities” following the same convention.

    Whilst we were there we had the pleasure of talking to a former soldier who told us a little about his story and how the hub had kept him going. This was a man who felt he had nowhere to turn and had even had a failed suicide in his past. It was truely a hunbling experience.

    If you would like to find out more about the hub and what they do, or if you know somebody that might benefit from being put in touch with them, please check out their website at 

    You can also see their Facebook page at

    The Quarrymen would like to thank the hub who opened especially for us to come along on a Sunday morning so we could learn all about what they do.