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Home » July NN / Swanage Ride Out

July NN / Swanage Ride Out

    One of the benefits of the summer months is that we get to have more ride outs. The summer holidays are a busy time for most, so we like to arrange ride outs that are also part of our monthly natter nights.

    This month our Road Captain, Alan, arranged a group ride to Swanage for fish and chips (well some had the fried chicken instead). The ride started off at the Willet Arms (Wimborne) and we met others at the Halfway Inn (Wareham). Riding through the glorious Purbeck countryside, taking in the views and the spectacular Corfe Castle.

    The usual bike parking spots are no longer permitted so we spread out around the sanctioned motorcycle parking bays, and all met up in the centre to enjoy food and laughter.

    Once the chat was over, we split into smaller groups to ride back to our separate locations. My Group (Phil) decided to take the chain ferry back, choosing the main road to the ferry from Corfe. Mainly because this route is nice to ride but also features one of the best views of Poole Harbour available.

    Crossing the chain ferry, we met Sandbanks, which at 9pm, was still packed with locals and tourists, all making the most of the great weather.

    We are all looking forward to our next ride out, planned for August, to enjoy much more of the same.