Every year the Quarrymen have an AGM and a VP BBQ. This year we decided to trial hosting them both on the same evening. (leaving an extra night free for riding).
Hosted by Darren and his wife (Karen), we all met up early evening on Saturday and proceeded to consume more zero percent lager and cider than most pubs stock

Being a little later than our usual date and right in the middle of a busy period of events meant we wanted to get cracking with the meeting so we could all enjoy Darrens BBQ skills. He certainly knows how to produce a good “char” on the food. With Karens trio of desserts on offer at the end to redeem him.
Our AGM covers all the usual items, from treasurer reports to future plans for rides and charitable donations planned for the coming year.
This year we have raised around 5K for assorted causes with much more planned for the coming months, along with voting in officers for the 24/25 season.

This years list of officers are as follows:
- President – Paul “Reaper” Bishop
- Vice President – Darren “Daz” Beel
- Secretary – Tony “Tank” Pereira
- Treasurer – Dan “Diddy” Martin
- Charity Officer – Phil “Mighty Mouse” Smith
- Road Captain – Alan “Albo” Elsbury
- Asst. Road Captain – Mark Thompson
- Almoner – Paul “Chick / Bones” Fowler
- Comms Officer – Phil “Mighty Mouse” Smith

With the formal part of the evening over, we were able to continue catching up with each other and continue well past dusk, enjoying each others company.
After a snaffoo with duplicate pages in the raffle book, we were also able to raise over £100 for our general fundraising pot.