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Home » Zetland Court 2024

Zetland Court 2024

    Saturday the 1st of June saw the 2024 Zetland Court Summer Fete event come to life. Supported from many lodges from around the area as well as the Quarrymen. It gave us a great chance to see the incoming Provincial Grand Master for Dorset, Steve James, and grab a  photo with him in his Widows Sons Regalia. The office of PGM for Dorset allows the current holder to be an honorary member of the Quarrymen. It also permits the PGM to wear a very special item of Widows Sons Reglalia, the PGM waistcoat.

    It also gave officers a chance to talk about charity and support that we can give to the PGM and the province in supporting masonic endevours. We are all looking forward to supporting Steve during his time as PGM to promote the craft and all it represents.

    Chatting with visitors about bikes
    Our Pres. and VP having a chat with Steve James

    We attended with our usual array of games and also brought another new member with us, our new mascot who spent his day riding the rat bike whilst the rest of us relaxed inbetween manning the games o the stall.

    Our latest member
    Relaxing between the games

    We all had a go at many of the games put on by the lodges present and some of us even won.

    All in all it was a great day and we look forward to suppoprting this event for many years to come.

    Paul with his winnings