This month saw the first of our roaming natter nights for this year. Starting off at Bournemouth Masonic Hall. As the riding season is meant to be upon us (despite what the thermometer keeps doing), our road captain arranged for a short ride out to get there, so that we could start enjoying our bikes more again. It was a great ride and one rider likely got to see roads never travelled before as he stems from the other side of the county.
This natter night was also to be a special one for our latest new member, Richard Waldy. Richard has attended lots of natter nights and has been keen to get involved. He was also the first to receive our new welcoming ceremony which helped make the evening more of an occasion.
We managed to raise funds for our charity pot during the raffle and had a great tea time meal, catered for by the one and only “Bob” who manages the catering and refreshments at the Knole. Bob also managed to get us an exclusive out of hours tour through the provincial museum located in the building. With the amount our knowledge out new made brother was able to demonstrate about the building and historic detail about Bournemouth masonry – he might have just landed himself the job of doing a talk during the colder winter months.
It was another great evening with all the usual friendship on display and a potential new member popped along for the evening with his wife to find out more about us.
We are looking forward to the next few natter nights that will see us get out all over the county.