A few days ago the Quarrymen were made aware of an event taking place in Dorchester (see image on the right) and asked if we would like to attend. Whilst our diaries are pretty full right now, we felt we could not miss an event like this within Dorset. As such four of us (plus one of our cornerstones acting as photographer) managed to meet up and get to the event.
Now the person looking for riders was expecting to muster up about 30 people, what they got was over 100 bikers turn up to support this lovely idea.
The weather seemed a bit worse than was predicted but we were lucky and the sun decided to come and shine on us all for the start of the ride.

The ride was well run and ran very smoothly. We had plenty of time to have a chat with other riders and admire some fine machines.
After the ride we all arrived at Joes home where the staff had laid on tea, biscuits and cakes for all to enjoy. Lots more conversations followed and we even met a couple of people interested in both joining the Quarrymen and also eager to find out more about Masonry.
Events like this are excellent and the comradery displayed amongst all was truly something to witness and revel in. The Quarrymen hope to be even more involved in our local motorcycle community along with all of our usual activities. We are even happier to hear the Joe had a great day and that he loved this event.