Tonight the Quarrymen were pleased to host a biker down training course, provided by the great guys over at DocBike. This wonderful charity is a huge part of the motorcycle community in the local area and the training could save a life.
The course is split into 3 sections, with the first two covering what to do if you end up at the scene of a RTA. Focusing on safety for you and doing what you can to help someone that has been involved in an accident.

The final part of the course focuses on what riders can do to avoid being in an accident in the first place and it is not what you would expect. The entire course is entirely well thought out and provided for free by the team. You even come away with the first aid kit for free and it includes all of the items covered in the training. They give away 4000 of these a year.
The Quarrymen were pleased to hold a raffle and donate all the raised funds towards this worthy cause. If you ever have the chance to attend one of these then it is well worth doing and helps dispel a lot myths about what to do if you find a biker involved in an accident. Valuable for car drivers as well as motorcyclists.

To find out more about DocBike and Biker Down training, have a look here > BikerDown – DocBike