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Home » September 2023 Natter Night

September 2023 Natter Night

    Yesterday saw the Quarrymen meet up for our September natter night. With the dark nights closing in we have elected to meet at locations on main roads that are safer for all to travel to with inclement weather and poor visibility. This month was at the Bakers Arms and was a great opportunity to swell our ranks.  The usual announcements and communications were delivered and well received.

    We patched in 3 new members (and Sue who never got her patch last year). Graham and Sally have been attending meetings and rides and have signed up as full time members of the Quarrymen. Graham as a Widows Son and Sally as a cornerstone. Sally made the mistake of letting us know she can sew. As a result there might be a vote to make her the official seamstress for getting our patches stitched on.

    Along with this, the cameraman for our memorial rides signed up as a cornerstone – the non masonic member status. His love of bikes and enjoying our company drawing him to want to spend more time with us and enjoy what we do. We also had a potential member attend his second natter night so he is almost ready to become a member over the coming weeks.

    The last person to be patched was Sue, the presidents wife, who did not want to spoil her lovely jacket by sewing on a patch, but has succumb to the joy that is found withing the group. Maybe she can get Sally to fit it to the jacket 😉

    We dined, we laughed and, most important of all, we raised more funds for the charity pot.