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Porcaro 2023

    August the 14th and 15th each year sees the Le Madone des Motards a Porcaro Rally ( The Madonna of the Bikers in Porcaro) Brittany, France.

    This year, 5 members and two cornerstones attended and they were not disappointed. Staying at the Presidents holiday home situated nearby, the weather remained kind and the opportunity to do a little sight seeing and sampling the local restaurants was also seized.

    The second day which is always a national religious holiday, saw the blessing and ride-out.

    Being a predominantly catholic country, at the very beginning of the ride-out, bikers line up in their thousands for the ‘Blessing’ where the local Priests are engaged blessing each rider as they pass. Then follows a 62km route travelling through the countryside where again thousands of well wishers many bringing their entire families with chairs and picnics, line the streets and gather at junctions to ‘high five’ the passing motorcyclists and cheer them on

    It’s a massive family event and many pillions in the procession throw sweets to the waiting children lining the route. Two hours later and upon arrival at the finishing village where another festival site was waiting for us, we were informed that riders were still lined up waiting to start the ride out, with a solid procession of riders in between.

    25,000 official wristbands for the ride had been sold with almost an equal number of unofficial attendees lined up along the route to ‘merge in’ and enjoy the experience.

    The Paris Olympics next year has cast a bit of a shadow over next years rally as to whether the necessary Police attendance can be allocated. Nevertheless the French are never put off and even when officially cancelled in the past 10,000 plus riders still attended to maintain the traditions. Whatever happens I will look forward to welcoming members back next year.

    On Thursday 24th August I rode to the picturesque village of Trehorenteuc where I met 4 representatives of the Cornerstone Chapter of the French Widows Sons who had traveled up to 120km to attend.  

    With limited English on their part and limited French on mine and with a friendly translator as well we chatted over lunch for over 2 hrs. 

    I was very unexpectedly presented with, (might I add) a Calvados filled ,engraved WS hip flask and a French WS Challenge Coin. In return I provided them all with Quarrymen Stickers, Badges and  key-rings

    It was agreed that this would be the first of a yearly meet with the Madone des Motards Porcaro Rally dates being the focus of attendance. 

    It was a pleasure meeting these Brothers and an enjoyable time was had by all.