It is hard to believe that 18 months ago the Quarrymen sprang into existence, after lots of hard work by the Stonecutters WSMBA to get more members in Dorset. One fateful meeting the right people all met together and the Quarrymen were born. A few months later we were chartered and then held our very first AGM.
A year later members of the Quarrymen attended a memorial for their founding president, held by his wife and son. Graham Taylor is still missed by us all. After the memorial we all headed to Poole Masonic Hall to prep for the AGM.
There was much to do. We have grown as a group and needed to expand the ranks of the officers but first, Paul was move from acting president to full president, with Darren taking on the role of VP for the ensuing year. We are all looking forward to next years BBQ already.

The most important office of all came next in the form of Chick taking on the role of Almoner.
Most lodges know what an almoner does, but for those that are unaware, an almoner keeps an eye on how we are all doing and makes sure we are doing OK, offering help when needed.

With ride safety important on our ventures, we invested out very first road captain, Alan.
With 30 years as a police motorcycle officer under his belt, more miles than most can dream of in a lifetime, along with passing the police advanced course regularly during his career, we are sure he is the right man for the job

Every captain deserves an assistant. As such Mark was invested as Asst. Road Captain.
With several years as a special constable working traffic, Alan is sure to have the best man possible to help him keep us all safe on rides.

It was not just new officers on the agenda, we had several certificates of membership to issue.
This started with one of our new wives, being presented with her Cornerstone certificate.
We have enjoyed Alisons company at a few natter nights and look forward to her and Trev joining us though the year.

Needless to day, if Alison had joined up then her husband, Trev, had also signed up.
Here he is with Paul, being presented with his full Quarryman certificate.

Keith has been a member for a while but this was the first AGM where he could receive his certificate.
It was nice to see him as he had only returned, the day before the AGM, from a 2,800 mile tour of Europe for the HD festival.

With other new members busy this evening, we are looking forward to a great year. We already have a long list of people seeking to join us in the coming year along with a reasonable diary of events, not to mention the ad-hoc rides that members organise amongst themselves. There is always someone to enjoy a good ride with when you are a Quarryman.
The evening was followed up by a raffle which raised a decent amount of money towards the coming years charitable donations. We also finished off with the customary buffet laid on by the awesome caterers at Poole Masonic Hall.
We are looking to keep improving over the coming year, doing even more for good causes, increasing our membership from within the craft and introducing more people to the love of motorcycles and masonry.
The officers are extremely grateful for all the support we have received over the last year and thank everybody that has helped make the Quarrymen so special.
- President – WBro Paul Bishop
- V.P – Bro Darren Beel
- Secretary – Bro Tony P
- Charity Officer – WBro Tony Collins
- Treasurer – WBro Dan “Diddy” Martin
- Comms Officer – WBro Phil Smith
- Almoner – WBro Paul Fowler
- Road Captain – WBro Alan Elsbury
- Asst. Road Captain – Bro Mark Thompson
Below is the video shown at our AGM giving the year in review.