With an early start of just before 10am, the weather was great and the Quarrymen arrived early to help set up our stand. The guys at Zetland Court also had an area for us to display some bikes too, which was a really nice gesture from them. Julian is the liaison for all the lodges and groups at the fete and his hard work was evident with how well the events hosting was managed. We all gathered, popped up all the bits we had gathered as a group and made our very first stand for a public event. As well as the Quarrymen, we also had members from the Southern and Stonecutters Widows Sons come and support us at the event, helping greatly with the day.

Zetland Court is in Dorset but, Masonically speaking is on the Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. (all due to border changes in 1974) As such it is supported by Masons from Dorset, Hampshire and Wiltshire. We were greatly honoured to grab a photo with the current PGM of Hampshire in front of our stand. The Southern Chapter are great supporters of what we do in their province and offer support whenever they can.

Not just there for the photo, the PGM stayed and chatted with the Quarrymen about what we are doing and how he sees groups like ours as a great way to introduce the joy of the craft to non masons as well as increase the brotherhood amongst those already in the craft. He was very interested to hear what we do and how we are working as a group. He seems really focused on being able to expand on the good work masons do and make sure they are fully supportive of newer members, to help them in their journey. He was impressed by us including family members and non masons in the cornerstone status.

Never ones to miss getting a photo of ourselves we had to do the obligatory shots of ourselves. The first of Alan and Paul. Both of whom had pride of place right next to the main stand. I did try to hide their legs, for fear of causing offence. 😉

The rest of us were lined up very close by and, as is becoming a tradition, took the line up shot with our bikes. Representing Master Masons, Past Masters and Ruling Masters. Not forgetting members with provincial rank. Showing off our bikes from left to right, a Royal Enfield, custom Yamaha, Ninja, Tracer 9 GT, Harley ADV and a Harley Nightster (Sportster). Whatever the ride, we are happy to enjoy motorbikes together.

As the day progressed we were greatly honoured to have a photo with the PGM of Dorset. The officers were able to have a great chat with him about the work we are doing in his province and show how committed we are to improving the craft in Dorset.
Phil took the opportunity to thank the PGM for his letter of thanks, in relation to the support he has given towards the Festival 25, both from us as Quarrymen (The Graham Taylor Memorial Ride – now an annual event) and his own lodge events. We are looking forward to making the office of Dorset PGM an honorary member of the Quarrymen.