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Dorset Masters Lodge

    On Thursday the 1st June, members of the Quarrymen had the pleasure of attending a daytime meeting of the Dorset Masters Lodge, to see one of our own take the chair.

    From the Quarrymen we had two ruling masters present, some master masons and several past masters, and we all saw Brian installed in the chair of the lodge in an excellent ceremony.

    After being installed, Brian gave a presentation to those present about the Widows Sons and the Quarrymen specifically, aiding in the promotion and understanding of what we do with respect to freemasonry in general.

    Our own Asst. PGM and Dep. PGM were present, along with several grand officers and past provincial officers. The talk was excellent and garnered interest from those present, both for membership and also to support us in our endeavours. 

    The festive board was a great experience as many of us have never attended a past masters lodge before, with certain changes to how the proceedings work. also, we saw many friends from around the province of Dorset and enjoyed a special day.