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Loomies Cafe (5 Chapters Meet)

    Sunday the 23rd of April saw our first group ride of this years season. The weather did not look like it was going to be kind to us but, at the last minute, the clouds gave in to allow us to make the trip to Loomies cafe to meet some brothers from all over the south of England.

    The route was set out by Tony P and in total 8 of the Quarrymen and a cornerstone all turned up to go for a spin into the deepest darkest region of northern Hampshire. The route was well planned and we headed out to Salisbury through the more scenic roads, Stopping along the way for a group shot.

    Mere moments later we were back out on the road, headed to Loomies Cafe, a motorcycle centric roadside cafe. The roads were pretty clear and we saw a few other motorcycle groups getting ready for a bit of Sunday fun together. Loomies is very well styled, with all the food named after bikes and the hanging baskets outside being made from old motorcycle helmets. Plenty of personality on display as evidenced by the blackboards outside.

    Arriving just before lunch time, it would have been rude if we did not all grab some food. Once fed and watered most ventured outside to chat, meet new brothers and look at each others rides. 

    Eventually the obligatory group shots started to happen (see title image) along with one image, for a brother who had lost someone close to him, with all showing the sign of reverence.

    Overall this was a great day out and it was great to see som many like minded people from all over the area. Chapters Present were the Quarrymen, Southern, Surry, South East and Shires, along with several other groups of friends all out to enjoy a Spring Sunday.

    Photos taken and stomachs full we headed back home, the way we came. The roads were almost devoid of traffic on our route and a nice steady cruise, taking in the countryside was quite rewarding. 150ish miles later and some very happy faces bid farewell, sorry to part and happy to meet again.

    A special thanks to our cornerstone, Richies wife Christine, who served as the photographer for many of our shots today. More of these will likely end up on our Facebook page.