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Motorcyclists Lodge No. 9939 EC

    On the 20th of April, three officers from the Dorset Quarrymen attended the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Lodge dedicated to motorcyclists. The lodge is a roaming lodge, which means it meets at different locations through the year, although its base is Farnborough. The invite came via the president of the fellow Widows Son Southern Chapter that covers all of Hampshire. Their Facebook page can be found here.

    It was a very good session and featured a talk from a non-mason. This was all about SERV Wessex, known to some as the Blood Bikes. ( This charitable group of bikers run assorted items between hospitals, such as blood, platelets, neo-natal milk supplies, samples and much more. Totally self funded as a charity, the many volunteers help support the NHS and the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Air Ambulance, to make sure the NHS can get supplies where they need to be, when they are needed. These riders often use their own bikes and are all volunteers who want to make a difference. They also work in conjunction with other Blood Biker groups as the supplies are needed to cross regions. On occasion meeting up with the Blood Biker riders that are Widows Sons in our Chapter.

    In a step away from the norm, the excellent presenter for SERV Wessex joined the brethren at the festive board. With a modified toast list, the talk & banter was excellent, with many of us making arrangements to see each other again at social rides. If you are a Mason who wants to visit a great and speciality lodge then I highly recommend this group. If your are interested in freemasonry and love bikes, but are outside of the Quarrymen catchment area, then Southern might be the chaps you need to speak to. Please do follow the links in the write up, find out more and support SERV Wessex if you are able to do so.