How to wear your patches

We wear specific patches to identify ourselves as masonic riders and also for our charter. They should always be positioned as close to possible as shown in these images as they are our official Widows Sons Regalia.
- The official Widows Son patch, close to our heart. Full members only.
- The Quarrymen logo, above the Widows Son patch but also close to our heart. Full members only.
- Chicken Wings – always on the shoulders. Full members only
- Road name and officer badge, founding members wear an extra patch here.
- The Cornerstone patch
- This is where we wear our current nominated supporter patch. Currently the broken column
- The forget me not. To remember all fallen masons.
- The Rocker, strictly for those that have been lucky enough to attend a Widows Sons branding event.
- Memorial patch to remember Quarrymen that have passed.
- Lifelites patch
What the patches mean
The Quarrymen Logo

The Quarrymen logo ties with both our mother chapter, The Stonecutters, but also with our Dorset heritgage of quarrying stone.
The Cornerstone Logo

The cornerstone logo represents the foundation stone and all of our members that are not Master Masons. They are represented by this to mark how important they still are, as without a strong foundation, the group would not be strong.
The Widows Sons Logo

- The VOSL, familiar to any Mason regardless of their rank.
- The Square & Compasses, the universally recognised mark of Freemasons
- Sprigs of Acacia, familiar to all that have been raised to the 3rd degree.
Chicken Wings